As such, we will soon announce a name change to our business,
which will be - CnS e-motion.
In line with this change we are seeking a new logo to represent our business. We will be doing this by conducting a contest, all the details are listed below:
THE PRIZE: 5,000 Lindens plus 5,000L worth of CnS Poses Gift Cards
* All entries for this contest must be submited to the CnS Poses Group
( CnS Poses "Design a logo for CnS Poses" - discuss ) on Flickr by Friday 30th January 2009 at 3pm SLT - which is when the contest ends.
* The entry being submitted must be titled as follows: CnS Logo Contest Submission
* The logo image must be a minimum of 2048 x 2048 in dimension
* You can submit as many logo designs as you wish
* The winner must provide the Photoshop file used to create the logo
* The winner must concede the full rights to their creation to CnS Poses (Cynthia Ultsch and Ilian Garrigus) - they retain the right to modify the logo
* The winner will be determined by Cynthia Ultsch and Ilian Garrigus
* CnS Poses will be hosting a party on Saturday 31st January 2008 in their NEW mainstore - the winner will be announced and prize will be given at 3pm SLT on this day. Further announcements about the winner will be made via the CnS Poses Update Group in-world and on Flickr
* The logo must contain the text as follows (note the uppercase/lowercase/hyphen):
CnS e-motion
* The logo can contain monochromatic outline/fill of a secondlife avatar (no colour)
If you need inspiration, please feel free to visit the CnS Poses Mainstore at Akane
Any questions? Feel free to contact Cynthia Ultsch or Ilian Garrigus
Stock: Room